About the Artist

Dan Dan Bruiger was born in 1945 in San Francisco, attended University of California, Los Angeles and Berkeley, majoring first in Astronomy then Art. Immigrating to Canada, he taught ceramic sculpture in Quebec City in 1969, working since then variously as model maker, sawmill hand, carpenter, woodshop instructor, cabinet and custom furniture maker, designer, counsellor, and sculptor.

He resides and works on Hornby Island, British Columbia, in a house he built himself. His sculpture was first exhibited at the Hornby Hall in 1996, and again in 1998. He has also been represented at the Oktavia Gallery and the Domus Gallery, both now closed, in Vancouver, B.C.; in the B.C. Festival of the Arts; and at the Arts Council of Victoria Gallery.

Dan has long been a student of philosophy of mind. Visit his philosophy website "The Rise and Fall of Reality". He also writes poetry and short essays. Visit his literary page "Go Fly Your Kite".

About the media...
Many of the pieces displayed here involve an acrylic polymer that allows the admixture of bronze powder into the surface coating and fibreglass reinforcement in the casting. This process, here called "cold casting", is like laying up fibreglass into a waste mold, made of plaster of paris, but with less toxicity. The bronze gives some pieces (hard casting plaster) the look of real bronze, at a greatly reduced price. This also enables a potential purchaser to know what a foundry casting of the piece would look like. The effect in the large fibreglass reinforced concrete pieces (suitable for outdoors) is more subtle.


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